
This is great data — but so what? How can we use it?

How can my communications team apply these interesting findings to our campaign and reach new audiences?

The answer is with EcoAnalytics’ communications guidance. 

EcoA is more than just a powerful engine of research. Our experienced staff and researchers offer products and services webinars, briefings, newsletters, bespoke research, tailored summaries, one-on-one meetings with staff and researchers that guide environmental communicators in the use of EcoA’s data, analysis and recommendations. Our Members’ program directors, campaign managers and communications specialists say this helps them apply the research in their daily work and produce engaging, relevant and accessible communications informed by the latest data.  


All of EcoA’s communication products are now freely available. Please check out our database to download our reports, briefings, webinar recordings, tailored research summaries, published article and newsletters. If you are interested in invitations to our Opinionation webinars and receiving new issues of the other products listed below, fill out the form here.

Our guidance products include: 

EcoA Tips newsletter: This bimonthly publication synthesizes the latest EcoAnalytics research and other data to provide brief, practical communications guidance.  

EcoA Research Nutshells: These concise summaries of findings by EcoAnalytics and other sources on relevant topics with links to source material provide valuable guidance for engaging to key audiences and other issues.

Webinar recordings and reports: Each round of research is followed by a report and presentation

Opinionation webinars: These regular online presentations summarize recent research by EcoA researchers and others from Canada and abroad on topics of relevance to Canada’s environmental movement.

Energy Mix articles: The Energy Mix regularly posts articles featuring EcoA data and guidance to its wide audience of climate and energy news subscribers.

Tailored research summaries: EcoA provides summaries for members looking for briefings on specific demographics, trends or other relevant topics.


In addition to our communications guidance, Members and Associates also enjoy access to these support services:

Inclusive, facilitated survey development process: Members and Associates work closely with EcoA staff and researchers to learn how to  get the most out of upcoming opinion survey questionnaires, and gather the data they need for their communications campaigns.

Access to researchers: EcoA researchers provide personal guidance and insights into the research development process and results analysis.

Knowledge translation support: EcoA’s communications specialists provide one-on-one support for Member organizations, helping to  integrate fresh research findings into their communications products and strategies.

Customized research: Each year EcoA offers a round or two of customized research put forward by members to select. Recent topics include: Environmental racism/justice exploratory research.

If you are interested in joining EcoA as a Member or Associate please fill out the form here.